Lee’s Environmental response to COVID-19

Due to the emerging situation around COVID-19, Lee’s Environmental is actively monitoring advice from relevant authorities and taking steps to protect the health and wellbeing of our people, clients and community.

We will take every step necessary to keep our people safe, support our clients and safeguard the future of our business. As the situation changes, we will proactively respond in an informed, sensible and balanced way. We will be asking for verbal confirmation with your full name and date of birth instead of signatures on our digital delivery dockets or alternatively, our drivers will clean the iPads with disinfectant before and after signatures are collected.

We ask that our clients with upcoming servicing inform us as soon as possible if they suspect they have been exposed to the virus so we can take appropriate measures.

What does this mean for Lee’s Environmental Clients?

In the short-term, Lee’s Environmental has made the following changes to minimise risk and ensure continuity of operations:

  • Self-isolation: All employees returning from overseas travel must follow government advice to self-isolate for 14-days. Employees who have flu-like symptoms or are concerned they have been exposed to a person who has a confirmed Coronavirus diagnosis, have been asked not to attend the workplace.
  • Staff register: We are maintaining a register of all employees who are self-isolating to ensure their return to work is actively monitored and managed.
  • Working from Home: Employees whose roles allow are now remotely. Contingencies are in place to ensure the business can continue to operate in worst case scenarios.
  • Meetings: Where practical, our people are encouraged to conduct client and team meetings by phone or video conference rather than in-person.
  • Visitors: We recommend scheduling meetings via phone or video conference. We ask for prior notice before visiting our site as strict procedures now apply for entry.
  • Hygiene and social contact: All of our staff have been briefed on the need for enhanced personal hygiene. We are all practicing social distancing as standard protocol.
  • Mental Wellbeing: We acknowledge the current situation has caused increased anxiety for many people. We are taking measures to listen and update our people regularly and support them on a case by case basis.

Please contact us on 07 3206 4844 or email [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions.